
“All the bright precious things fade so fast and they don’t come back”

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by Yaroslav Yermakov

published Tuesday, October 17 at 15:37

In Baz Luhrmann's 2013 adaptation of ‘The Great Gatsby’, a cinematic masterpiece based on F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel, the character Daisy Buchanan says: "All the bright precious things fade so fast, and they don’t come back". This quote shows some of the film's main themes, highlighting the fleeting nature of beauty, wealth, and dreams in the decadent world of the 1920s.

Beauty Lost in the Jazz Age

The context in which Daisy Buchanan delivers this line is crucial to understanding its significance. Daisy, portrayed by Carey Mulligan, is a character trapped in the opulence and shallowness of the Jazz Age. She is the object of Jay Gatsby's (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) unrequited love, and her voice becomes a symbol of the elusive American Dream. In the scene, Daisy, Gatsby's former lover, is confronted by her husband Tom Buchanan about her feelings for Gatsby. As she reflects on her past and the choices she made, she realizes that the glamorous world she once inhabited has faded into a distant memory. This line reflects her disillusionment and the inevitable transience of the extravagant lifestyle she embraced.

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The Great Gatsby's Central Themes

The quote perfectly aligns with the central themes of "The Great Gatsby". The story delves into the idea of the American Dream, showing how the pursuit of wealth and status often leads to emptiness and disillusionment. The characters in the film are chasing after the mirage of happiness, believing that material possessions and social standing will bring them fulfillment. However, as Daisy's line suggests, these "bright precious things" are ephemeral, and the pursuit of them often comes at the cost of genuine happiness and meaningful connections.

Resonance in Music: "Young and Beautiful" by Lana Del Rey

Lana Del Rey's "Young and Beautiful", featured in the film's soundtrack, beautifully complements the sentiment expressed in Daisy's quote. The song captures the essence of fleeting youth and beauty, much like the characters in the movie. Del Rey's haunting vocals and melancholic lyrics evoke a sense of longing and nostalgia, mirroring the film's exploration of lost dreams and unattainable ideals. The lyrics resonate with the idea that the pursuit of beauty and perfection can lead to a sense of loss and unfulfillment, a theme central to both the song and the movie.

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The Timeless Message of "The Great Gatsby"

In conclusion, the line from "The Great Gatsby", "All the bright precious things fade too fast, and they don’t come back", encapsulates the film's central message about the transient nature of wealth and the American Dream. It serves as a poignant reminder that the pursuit of superficial goals often results in the loss of deeper, more meaningful experiences. This theme is beautifully mirrored in Lana Del Rey's "Young and Beautiful", making it a fitting addition to the film's soundtrack. Together, these elements create a powerful and thought-provoking narrative that continues to captivate audiences, reminding us of the enduring relevance of Fitzgerald's classic tale.