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The process of transforming a written work, such as a novel, into a visual medium like film, while maintaining the core elements and themes of the original text.
American Dream:
A concept that represents the ideal of achieving success and happiness through hard work, determination, and opportunity in the United States.


Baz Luhrmann:
An Australian filmmaker known for his distinctive visual style and innovative storytelling techniques. He directed the 2013 film adaptation of "The Great Gatsby."


Cinematic Adaptation:
The process of translating a literary work into a film, involving changes in medium and visual storytelling techniques.
Cinematic Masterpiece:
A film that is highly regarded for its exceptional quality, artistic merit, and cultural significance.
Character Analysis:
The examination of the personalities, motivations, and development of characters in a narrative.
Character Complexity:
The depth and intricacy of characters in a story, including their flaws, desires, and growth.
Cultural Impact:
The influence and significance of a work of art, such as a film or novel, on society and popular culture.


Daisy Buchanan:
A key character in the novel and film, Daisy is the object of Jay Gatsby's affection and represents the shallowness of the Jazz Age.


Describes something short-lived or transitory, reflecting the idea of the fleeting nature of certain elements in "The Great Gatsby."


Film Analysis:
The process of examining a film's content, structure, and themes to gain a deeper understanding of its artistic and narrative elements.
Film Director:
The individual responsible for guiding the creative and artistic aspects of a film, making decisions related to storytelling, visual style, and overall direction.
Film Soundtrack:
The collection of music and songs used in a film to enhance its atmosphere and emotional impact.


Jazz Age:
A term often used to describe the cultural and social climate of the 1920s, marked by the popularity of jazz music, artistic innovation, and a spirit of rebellion.
Jay Gatsby:
The enigmatic millionaire and central character in "The Great Gatsby." He is known for his extravagant parties and his unrequited love for Daisy Buchanan.


Lana Del Rey:
An artist known for her music, including the song "Young and Beautiful," which is featured in the soundtrack of Baz Luhrmann's "The Great Gatsby."
Literary Adaptation:
The process of transforming a written work, such as a novel, into a visual medium like film, while maintaining the core elements and themes of the original text.
Literary Interpretation:
The process of analyzing and understanding the deeper meanings and messages within a written work.
Literary Themes:
The recurring ideas, concepts, and messages explored in a work of literature, such as "The Great Gatsby's" themes of wealth, love, and disillusionment.


Narrative Symbolism:
The use of symbols within a story to convey deeper meaning, a technique used in both the novel and the film adaptation.
Narrative Themes:
Recurring ideas and concepts explored in a story, such as wealth, love, betrayal, and the transience of time.


Roaring Twenties:
A term used to describe the 1920s in the United States, characterized by economic prosperity, cultural dynamism, and social change, as well as extravagant parties and decadent lifestyles.


The Great Gatsby:
A classic novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, originally published in 1925, and a cinematic adaptation directed by Baz Luhrmann in 2013. The story is set in the Roaring Twenties and explores themes of wealth, love, and the American Dream.
Timeless Classic:
A term used to describe a work of art, literature, or film that continues to be relevant and appreciated across generations.


Visual Aesthetic:
The overall look and style of a film, reflecting the director's creative choices in cinematography and design.